Himachal Pradesh Bharatiya Janta Party’s (BJP) spokesperson Randhir Sharma said on Monday that Congress has accepted defeat, even before the elections. It’s quite evident from the statements made by the Congress leaders, who have started raising questions on the credibility of the Electronic Voting Machine (EVM).
“It’s an irony that when the Congress wins an election, the EVM machines turn out to be fine. But, in case they get defeated or tend to lose, the same EVM seems to be hacked,” Sharma said.
He took a dig at the leaders of the Congress party by saying that its leaders should stop blaming the EVMs and accept the fact that their party is vanishing from the country.
“Let me clarify that the BJP is an ethical-political party and contests every election in an ethical manner. It is the Congress, which can stoop down to any level for winning an election,” he accused.
“Congress is a double-faced party, whose words can never be trusted,” he charged on the opposition, claiming that BJP does what it says. He even pointed out some examples by saying that the BJP led govt. in Himachal has done more than the manifesto commitments.
He said that “Congress has a leadership crisis at the national as well as the state level. This is why veteran leaders like Kapil Sibal, M Khan, Ghulam Nabi among others are leaving the party.” He further added by saying that the sitting MLA’s of Himachal, Pavan Kajal and Lakhwinder Singh Rana have now joined BJP.
“The Congress party is going through a grave phase of nepotism in the country including Himachal Pradesh. The party leaders are getting suffocated under the current conditions and bound to leave the party,” Sharma blamed.
Comparing the tenure of the UPA Government to that of the NDA Government, he stated, “The work done by the Prime Minister Narendra Modi is incredible, comparatively India has grown tremendously under his leadership. We are one of the strongest economies of the world and other countries are now looking up to us.”