Election Department of Himachal Pradesh has disposed off 90 per cent of the complaints since the imposition of Model Code of Conduct on March 16.
Disclosing this, Chief Electoral Officer (CEO) Maneesh Garg said that as many as 813 complaints and grievances received by the department since the announcement of General Elections and imposition of Model Code of Conduct.
Providing details, he said that 485 complaints were received through the National Grievances Service Portal (NGSP)/call centres on toll free number 1800-332-1950 at state and district contact centres.
Apart from this, 241 complaints were received through the state and district Model Code of Conduct (MCC) Nodal Officers and 87 complaints have been uploaded on the C-Vigil Portal, he added.
Garg further said that out of 485 complaints received through the call centres, 461 have been disposed off and 24 are pending for disposal in which action is being taken as per the norms.
Similarly, 241 complaints were received through MCC nodal officers at the State and District level out of which 176 have been disposed off and 65 complaints are pending due to want of reports from respective departments and field offices where inquiries were underway, he added.
In C-VIGIL portal, 87 complaints have been received out of which 44 complaints have been dropped as these have been found either fake or are test cases filed by the stakeholders to check the portal, and action has been taken on the remaining 43 complaints within 100 minutes.
“The Election Department has thus disposed off 90 percent of complaints received through various mediums and available channels with the public for lodging their grievances from different corners of the state,” he said, adding that as per the direction of the ECI, the C- VIGIL complaints were being settled within hundred minutes after receiving the same.
“The highest number of C-VIGIL complaints has been received in district Una whereas there were no such complaints from the districts Kinnaur, Kullu and Lahaul-Spiti,” said Garg.
He stated that the maximum number of complaints were reported against displaying of posters and banners without permission, campaigning beyond permitted hours and general conduct of officials.