Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Vishnu Deo Sai has unveiled a series of welfare schemes aimed at elevating the living conditions of labourers in the state. Notable among them is the ‘Mukhyamantri Noni Shashaktikaran Sahayata Yojana’, a flagship scheme designed to uplift the daughters of labour families by enhancing their living standards.
Labour Minister Lal Dewangan directed departmental officials to ensure optimal outreach and coverage, stressing the need to maximize the number of beneficiaries under these schemes.
In a significant boost to the empowerment of girls from underprivileged backgrounds, the Chhattisgarh government’s pioneering scheme has lifted around 6,000 daughters of labourers in Mahasamund district, providing them with a financial lifeline to pursue their dreams.
The Mukhyamantri Noni Shashaktikaran Sahayata Yojana, launched by Chief Minister Vishnu Deo Sai, has disbursed over Rs 11.96 crore in aid, with each beneficiary receiving Rs 20,000, marking a major milestone in the state’s efforts to promote girls’ education and self-reliance.
The primary goal of this scheme is to provide financial assistance to the daughters of labour families, facilitating their educational and other essential needs. In Mahasamund district alone, a total of 5,981 daughters have benefited from this initiative. Each beneficiary has received Rs. 20,000 directly into their bank account, amounting to a total of Rs 11 crore 96 lakh 20 thousand disbursed overall. This financial support is proving crucial for families struggling to meet the educational and other needs of their daughters due to financial constraints.
The Mukhyamantri Noni Shashaktikaran Sahayata Yojana not only alleviates financial pressures on labourer families but also represents a significant step towards empowering and making the daughters of the district self-reliant. By promoting girls’ education and their overall development, the scheme is making a positive impact across the state.
One such beneficiary, Geeta Nishad from Ayodhya Nagar, Mahasamund, expressed her gratitude, stating that she will utilize the funds received for her college education. She thanked the Chief Minister for this valuable assistance, noting that it will greatly aid her academic pursuits. Her family is delighted with the government’s initiative.
Eligibility for the scheme is limited to labourers registered with the Chhattisgarh Building and Other Construction Workers Welfare Board. To benefit from the scheme, eligible individuals must register online via the official scheme website. The financial assistance is available for the first two daughters of eligible labour families. To qualify, daughters must be between 18 and 21 years of age and unmarried, each receiving Rs 20,000.