Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Monday added “Modi ka Parivar” with his name on his official X handle to extend support to Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s statement in which he described the entire population of India as his family.
During a public meeting in Telangana, PM Modi, targeting the opposition alliance, referred to the entire country as his family “Modi ka Parivar’. Following this, top-level BJP leaders across the country used the “Modi ka Parivaar” added ‘Modi Ka Parivar’ in their bio on X, in support of PM Modi’s statement.
Previously, in 2019, following the Prime Minister’s “Chowkidar” slogan, BJP leaders, as well as members of the general public, had appended “Main Bhi Chowkidar” to their names.
Union Home Minister Amit Shah, BJP national president JP Nadda and other party leaders launched a mega ‘Modi ka Parivar’ campaign on social media to counter RJD supremo Lalu Yadav’s “no family” remarks against Prime Minister Modi.
On Sunday, Lalu Prasad during a public rally in Patna had said that Prime Minister Modi often attacks Opposition over “Parivarwaad” since he himself has no family.