Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath congratulated Prime Minister Narendra Modi on being elected as the leader of Lok Sabha, the BJP Parliamentary Party and the NDA Parliamentary Party on Friday.
Chief Minister Adityanath congratulated PM Modi on the historic occasion. He expressed the hope that India will move rapidly towards becoming a self-reliant and developed country under the leadership of PM Modi.
CM Adityanath wrote on his social media post, ” Under the successful leadership of Prime Minister Modi ji, the NDA family is fully committed to building ‘Self-reliant India-Developed India’ and serving 140 crore families. Long live Mother India.”
The CM was also present in this programme held at the Central Hall of Parliament in Delhi when PM Modi was elected the leader of the NDA parliamentary party.
When CM Adityanath presented a bouquet to the PM, Modi patted him on the back. This was the first time after the Lok Sabha results that CM Adityanath and PM Modi met.
PM Modi’s patting on the back was apparently an encouragement to the CM that he has full faith in Yogi’s leadership and ability.
The BJP had won 33 seats in Uttar Pradesh in the just-concluded Lok Sabha elections, 29 less than the 2019 general elections’ count when it had bagged 62 constituencies of the total 80.