Notorious underworld gangster, Chhota Rajan, who is currently lodged in Tihar Prison, has been admitted to the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) on Friday following health concerns, jail officials said.
As his condition started deteriorating, doctors at the AIIMS were constantly monitoring the health of the gangster who was suffering from sinus, officials added.
As per the Delhi Jail Manual, medical care shall be the same for dreaded criminals as other inmates but within the enclosures of the inbuilt Medical Inspection Room. However, in case of an emergency, with the permission of the superintendent, they can be shifted to a local hospital for treatment but under police escorts and guards.
Chhota Rajan, whose real name is Rajendra Sadashiv Nikhalje, was once a prominent name in the Mumbai underworld. Presently, he is lodged in Tihar Jail after being convicted in several serious criminal cases.
Rajan was arrested in 2015 from Bali, Indonesia, in a high-profile operation and has been in custody ever since.