With a vision to propel Chhattisgarh and India towards development, Chief Minister Vishnu Deo Sai inaugurated a two-day “Chintan Shivir” (Ideation Camp) at the Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Raipur, on Friday. The event sees the participation of all ministers from the Chhattisgarh government, led by Chief Minister Sai, and is organised by IIM Raipur.
The inaugural session focused on the theme “Vikasit Chhattisgarh: A Vision for 10 Years.” NITI Aayog CEO BVR Subrahmanyam delivered an insightful lecture on this subject. Mr Subrahmanyam elaborated on the concept of “Vikasit Bharat” (Developed India) and outlined strategies to achieve this goal. He emphasised that under Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s leadership, India has made significant strides over the past decade, securing its place among the world’s major economies.
Mr Subrahmanyam highlighted PM Modi’s commitment to making India a developed nation by 2047, detailing various initiatives and strategies undertaken by the government to achieve this vision. He emphasised ‘scale, speed, and innovation’ as crucial factors in this journey. The vision for a developed India considers the evolving global landscape, positioning India to join the ranks of leading nations.
Addressing the global focus shift towards the Global South, Mr Subrahmanyam asserted that India is well-positioned to meet global expectations, given its demographic advantages, strategic position, and robust reforms in key sectors. He highlighted India’s leadership in the digital economy, tax reforms, and innovation, stressing the importance of continuing these efforts to ensure sustainable development. The promotion of green energy to combat climate change was also underscored as vital for achieving long-term prosperity.
Mr Subrahmanyam explained the critical role of having a clear vision, stating that it serves as a roadmap for achieving development goals. He emphasised that Chhattisgarh has the potential to significantly contribute to the realisation of a developed India, potentially becoming a key driver in this national endeavour.
The ministers in Vishnu Deo Sai government actively engaged in the session, demonstrating their understanding and enthusiasm by posing numerous questions. Mr Subrahmanyam welcomed the interaction, facilitating a robust exchange of ideas.
The “Chintan Shivir” aims to engage decision-makers and lawmakers in a constructive dialogue on developing the state. It provides a platform to learn from experts and establish clear, actionable goals to fulfil their mandate from the people of Chhattisgarh. The camp’s innovative approach focuses on the ‘convergence of schemes’ and the ‘optimum and balanced use of resources’ to drive Chhattisgarh’s development forward.
The event was attended by several key ministers, including Agriculture Minister Ramvichar Netam, Forest Minister Kedar Kashyap, Food Minister Dayaldas Baghel, Health Minister Shyam Bihari Jaiswal, Industry Minister Lakhan Lal Dewangan, Finance Minister OP Chaudhary, Women and Child Development Minister Lakshmi Rajwade, and Sports Minister Tankram Verma.