Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Vishnu Deo Sai, on Tuesday paid homage to the eight District Reserve Guard (DRG) personnel and a driver martyred in a Maoist attack in Bijapur.The ambush, which took place on the Kutru-Bedre route near Ambeli village, involved a powerful 60-kg IED and marks the year’s first major Maoist strike. The attack claimed the lives of all nine individuals aboard the targeted vehicle – eight DRG jawans and the civilian driver.
At a solemn ceremony in Dantewada’s Carli Police Line, he offered floral tributes to the martyrs’ mortal remains and expressed condolences to their grieving families. “The state government will stand by you at every step. These sacrifices will not go in vain, and we remain fully committed to eradicating Maoism by March 2026,” Sai said. The Deputy Chief Minister Vijay Sharma, Forest Minister Kedar Kashyap, Bastar MP Mahesh Kashyap, and other senior officials joined the CM in paying respects. In fact, both CM Sai and Dy CM personally carried the body of martyr Baman Sodhi to his native village.
The ambush, described by Sai as a “heinous attack on democracy and peace,” occurred when DRG personnel were returning from a successful anti-Maoist operation in the dense forests of Abujhmad. The operation had resulted in the elimination of five Maoists and the seizure of weapons.The targeted vehicle was destroyed in the IED explosion, killing all nine occupants, including eight DRG personnel and a civilian driver. Preliminary investigations revealed that the IED was planted three years ago near a strategic point on the road and was connected for detonation just hours before the attack, a method consistent with Maoist tactics in the region.
It is noteworthy that the DRG, comprising local youth and surrendered Maoists, has proven instrumental in combating insurgents in southern Chhattisgarh. Their intimate knowledge of local geography, dialects, and Maoist strategies has given the security forces a crucial advantage. However, their effectiveness has also made them frequent targets of Maoist violence.
In his remarks, CM Sai reiterated the government’s resolve to intensify anti-Maoist operations. “This cowardly attack will not deter our commitment to peace in Bastar. We will continue our efforts to eliminate Maoism from the state,” he affirmed. Deputy CM Sharma echoed this sentiment, stating, “The sacrifices of our brave personnel only strengthen our determination to root out extremism.”