On Tuesday, Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel reached Janjgiri in Chhattisgarh’s Durg and got whipped on the occasion of Gauri-Gaura Puja.
Taking to a microblogging site, Chhattisgarh CM added, “Reaching village Janjgiri and Kumhari Basti today, worshipping Gaura-Gauri and wishing for the happiness and prosperity of the people of the state.”
Many people arrived to see their Chief Minister performing the ritual for the well-being of the people of his state. Talking to the media, the chief minister said that the “beautiful tradition” is celebrated for everyone’s prosperity.
“This beautiful tradition is celebrated for the prosperity of all,” Chhattisgarh CM Bhupesh Baghel said remembering Bharosa Thakur on occasion.
“I believe that the occasion represents equality and that’s why this is celebrated as everyone is equal before the almighty,” he added.
Bharosa Thakur was a senior citizen of this village who used to perform this tradition which is now adopted by his son Birendra Thakur.
CM Baghel expressed his happiness as Thakur’s son now carries the culture of whipping forward.
Baghel said that it is his fortune to perform the tribal culture which is usually done by the head of the village (Mukhiya) in this potter’s community.
The ritual of worshipping Lord Shiv and Parvati is performed here after the Diwali puja.