Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal will meet his Telangana counterpart K Chandrasekhar Rao in Hyderabad on Saturday to seek his support against the Centre’s ordinance giving control of ‘services’ back to the Delhi Lieutenant Governor.
In a tweet on Friday, Kejriwal said,: “Meeting CM of Telangana tomorrow in Hyderabad to seek support against unconstitutional and undemocratic ordinance passed by BJP govt against the orders of SC.”
Tomorrow’s meeting with the Telangana Chief Minister will be the latest in a series of meetings the AAP leaders are having with leaders of various opposition parties in different states on the matter.
The Central government has brought an ordinance to set up a permanent authority known as the National Capital Civil Service Authority whose chairperson will be the Delhi chief minister along with chief secretary, Delhi; Principal Secretary (Home), Delhi to make recommendations to the Delhi L-G regarding matters concerning transfer posting, vigilance and other incidental matters. However, in case of difference of opinion, the decision of the L-G shall be final.
On May 11, a five-judge constitution bench of the Supreme Court ruled that it is ideal to hold that a democratically elected Delhi government should have control over its officers and the L-G is bound by the advice of the elected government in everything other than public order, police, and land.
The top court stressed that if the government is not able to control and hold to account the officers posted in its service, then its responsibility towards the legislature as well as the public is diluted.
The ordinance came after the apex court gave the Delhi government control in services matters, including transfer and posting of officers.