On the request of Uttar Pradesh Government, the Central Government has approved a special grant-in-aid amount of Rs 2100 crore and released Rs 1050 crore as the first installment for Prayagraj Mahakumbh scheduled between January 13 and February 26. A special request was made to the Central Government by the Uttar Pradesh Government to sanction funds as a one-time special grant-in-aid from the Government of India for the safe organization of the Maha Kumbh Mela.
The Yogi Adityanath government of Uttar Pradesh is already spending Rs 5435.68 crore on organizing the Mahakumbh. This amount is being spent by the government on 421 projects for the event. So far, financial approval of Rs 3461.99 crore has been issued by the state government. Apart from this, 125 projects worth Rs 1636.00 crore are being implemented by various departments, including Public Works Department, Housing and Urban Planning Department, Bridge Corporation, Tourism Department, Irrigation, Municipal Corporation Prayagraj, from the departmental budget head.
Under Maha Kumbh 2025, infrastructural facilities, which include railway overbridge, railway underbridge, strengthening and widening of roads, interlocking road roads including erosion prevention work on river banks, construction of river fountain, smart city and Prayagraj Development Authority in coordination with Prayagraj Development Authority, will be made the best. Under the action plan to be developed as a smart city, theme based beautification of all the intersections, IT based monitoring etc. and arrangement of clean drinking water for the devotees is being conducted smoothly. Apart from this, in coordination with Swachh Bharat Mission and Municipal Corporation, Prayagraj, high quality arrangements are being made for the cleanliness and hygiene of the city. Solid waste management and the city is being covered with 100 percent sewerage treatment.
Apart from this, various innovative experiments like construction of digital Kumbh Museum and construction of tourism route circuit (Prayagraj-Ayodhya-Varanasi-Vindhyanchal-Chitrakoot) etc. are being done under Maha Kumbh 2025. Under Maha Kumbh 2025, excellent arrangements are being made for the movement of devotees, tourists and visitors and for taking holy bath. Also, the aim is to develop Maha Kumbh 2025 as a concept of Divya Maha Kumbh, Grand Maha Kumbh as well as Clean Maha Kumbh, Safe Maha Kumbh, Sugam Maha Kumbh, Digital Maha Kumbh, Green Maha Kumbh.
Meanwhile , Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath in a statement here on Tuesday said,” Under the guidance of respected Prime Minister @narendramodi ji, the double engine government is determined to make the world’s largest cultural and spiritual gathering ‘Prayagraj Mahakumbh-2025’ divine and grand”. “In this series, a special grant-in-aid amount of Rs 2,100 crore was approved by the Central Government, out of which the first installment of Rs 1,050 crore has been released today,” he announced.