The Centre aims to work towards achieving zero stubble burning in the current season, according to Union Agriculture Minister Narendra Singth Tomar.
Addressing a high-level inter-ministerial meeting last evening, he said paddy stubble burning was not just related to pollution in Delhi and its adjoining areas. It was creating a detrimental effect on the farm land by adversely affecting the soil health and its fertility.
”Hence, our efforts have to be both for fighting air pollution in Delhi and for protecting the soil health, thereby protecting the ultimate interests of our farmers,” he added.
The meeting, co-chaired by Minister of Environment Bhupender Yadav, reviewed the preparedness of the states of Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh and the NCT of Delhi in preventing paddy stubble burning in the current season. The meeting was attended by ministers and senior officials from Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana and Delhi.
During the meeting, the states presented their action plan and strategies for preventing stubble burning in the current season. The states were advised to utilise the funds provided for crop residue management, make Crop Residue Management (CRM) machinery available well before harvesting season and carry out Information, Education and Communication (IEC) activities in collaboration with ICAR and other stakeholders to bring awareness amongst farmers against paddy stubble burning.
Speaking on the occasion, the environment minister stated that efforts to prevent paddy stubble burning for the last five years were bearing good results. Due to the concerted efforts of agencies like the Commission for Air Quality Management, burning instances in the States of Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, NCT of Delhi have come down.
The agriculture minister congratulated all the stakeholders for the seriousness they have shown in addressing the issue of paddy stubble burning. He observed that due to the efforts of all the stakeholders, the events of paddy stubble burning were continuously coming down.
However, paddy stubble burning was not just related to pollution of Delhi and its adjoining areas. It was also creating a detrimental effect on the farm land by adversely affecting the soil health and its fertility. ”Hence, our efforts have to be both for fighting air pollution in Delhi and for protecting the soil health, thereby protecting the ultimate interests of our farmers,” he added.