Chief of Defence Staff Gen Anil Chauhan on Wednesday chaired the 35th Tri-services Commanders’ Conference (TSTCC) at the Southern Naval Command in Kochi. Commanders from the Army, Navy, and Air Force, along with officers from the Headquarters Integrated Defence Staff (IDS) and various formations, attended the conference.
In his address, the CDS underscored the importance of jointmanship and synergy across the services, especially in training, to ensure readiness for multi-domain battlefields. He highlighted that evolving training is crucial to tackling emerging security challenges and fighting future wars as an integrated, theaterised force.
Building on the agenda from the 34th TSTCC held in Shimla, the 35th conference reviewed progress and discussed optimizing training facilities to enhance joint training. Key discussions focused on aligning training with the region’s evolving geo-strategic landscape, shaping future doctrines, and integrating innovative strategies using modern warfare tactics and technology.
Held annually by the Training Commands of each service, TSTCC serves as a platform for enhancing collaboration and sharing best practices in training. Over successive editions, it has facilitated joint training efforts, preparing the services for collective response to future challenges.