Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal accompanied with his cabinet ministers and legislators sat on “dharna” on Monday outside the LG Anil Baijal’s office after, as AAP leaders alleged, the “L-G refused to meet them” to discuss the installation of the CCTV cameras in the national capital.
At 3 p.m. AAP leaders led by Kejriwal, carrying banners and placards, took out a march from CM’s official residence in Civil Lines area to L-G office to urge him “not to stall” the project under “pressure from the BJP”.
However, as the procession reached near L-G’s office, the police deployed there informed the Chief Minister that he and his ministers could meet the L-G, but AAP legislators would not be allowed to go with them. .
The move prompted AAP leaders to sit on a “dharna” which lasted for almost three hours.
Talking to media, Kejriwal said that the L-G had refused to meet AAP legislators. That he claimed was against the democratic system of the country.
“How come L-G refuses to meet the elected representatives of the state. L-G is bound under the Constitution to meet the elected representatives. He only wants to meet me and cabinet ministers. The L-G will have to meet the MLAs. I will meet him along with the ministers and the MLAs,” Kejriwal asserted.
Kejriwal reiterated that the committee formed by the LG was a “disguise” to stall the CCTV project in the national capital.
On 15 May, L-G had formed a committee to come up with a standard operating procedure for installation, operation, and monitoring of CCTVs in the city. However, the AAP government termed the committee “unconstitutional” and declared it “null and void”.
Kejriwal said that following the setting up of new panel bythe L-G, the New Delhi Municipal Council (NDMC), which was working on installation of CCTV cameras for the last two years, also stopped work.
“I have just received a letter from the NDMC stating that they have stopped the CCTV installation because of L-G’s committee. This proves our point that this committee is meant to stop the CCTV work in Delhi,” Kejriwal said.
Terming, L-G’s refusal to meet the MLAs an insult to the people of Delhi, Kejriwal said that the AAP would reach out to people to tell them that how the “BJP and the L-G are disrupting the installation of CCTV cameras in the city”. Kejriwal said AAP workers would go to every ward of the city and build a consensus on installation of CCTV cameras, as per requirements of common man.
“The standard operating procedure for installing CCTV cameras will be decided by the people and not by a shahenshah (L-G),” Kejriwal said.