Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar on Friday handed over the probe into the murder of a class 2 student of the Ryan International School, Gurugram to the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI).
Khattar met the parents of the deceased child at their residence and immediately after announced that the CBI would take over the investigation. He also said that the school will be taken over by the state government for the next three months.
“This is an extremely condemnable incident and there is a lot of anger. Although, the Haryana Police is doing a good job of investigating the case, we have decided to hand over probe to the CBI,” Khattar said.
“I would appeal to the CBI to complete the investigation as soon as possible and bring the culprits to book,” he added.
Praduman was found dead with his throat slit in the washroom of Ryan International School here on September 8.
His father, Varun Thakur, had moved the Supreme Court for a CBI probe into the case citing “too many loopholes” in the police theory and the school management’s stand on the murder.
Meanwhile, as per the post-mortem report, there was no sexual assault on Pradhuman.
Police have arrested school bus conductor Kumar, 42, on suspicion of him being the child’s killer. Police have claimed that he killed the minor after failing to sexually assault the child.