A CBI Special Court on Monday allowed Priyanka Gandhi’s husband Robert Vadra, who is facing an Enforcement Directorate (ED) probe, to travel to the United States and the Netherlands to travel to USA and Netherlands for six weeks for a medical check-up.
However, Vadra cannot travel to London and hence withdrew his travel request to the UK.
In a big relief to Congress president Rahul Gandhi’s brother-in-law, the court said any lookout circular issued during the period will remain suspended.
Special Judge Arvind Kumar’s order came on Vadra’s plea seeking to travel abroad for a medical check-up. Vadra has said a tumour has been detected in his large intestine and he needs to travel abroad for a medical check-up.
The court imposed certain conditions against Vadra while allowing his plea including a direction to submit address with contact numbers and to inform the court about his arrival in India within 24 hours.
The court directed him neither to tamper with the evidence nor try to influence any witnesses in the case.
The court also asked him to join the investigation within 72 hours if so informed by the investigating officer.
The court also asked him to furnish a fixed deposit receipt (FDR) of Rs 25 lakh.
The ED had strongly objected his plea mainly for London, apprehending that Vadra might tamper with the evidence if he was allowed to go there.
The case against Vadra relates to alleged ownership of overseas assets worth 1.9 million pounds. The charges against him pertain to undisclosed foreign assets and entities to evade tax.
A trial court in New Delhi had, on April 1, granted anticipatory bail to Vadra on condition that he must not leave the country without permission and join the investigation whenever needed.
The Enforcement Directorate had, on May 24, moved the Delhi High Court seeking cancellation of Robert Vadra’s anticipatory bail. The ED also challenged the anticipatory bail granted to his close aide and co-accused Manoj Arora, who was an employee of Vadra’s Skylight Hospitality LLP.
Earlier, the ED had confronted Vadra with the emails he exchanged with the relative of arms dealer Sanjay Bhandari and Sumit Chadha and also asked for the details of his bank accounts and transaction reports.