Kerala police chief Anil Kanth has said the police are not in a position to comment on whether Shahrukh Saifi, the accused in the Kozhikode train burning case, has any terror link or not.
Speaking to media persons in Kozhikode, Anil Kanth said the police cannot at present say whether Shahrukh Saifi, the accused in the Kozhikode train fire case, has any terror link.
It has been reported that Saifi is giving conflicting statements regarding the incident of setting the train coach on fire.
Shahrukh, arrested from Ratnagiri by the Maharashtra Anti-Terrorist Squad (ATS), was brought to Kozhikode on Thursday morning.
It has been reported that Shahrukh Saifi gives answers that confuse the investigating officers. The accused initially gave a statement to the Maharashtra ATS that someone had advised him that he would be better off if he carried out the attack.
But Saifi told the Kerala Police team that it was his stupidity that led to the crime. He does not have a clear answer about why he came to Kerala and attempted to set the coach on fire.
The Kerala Police could not interrogate Safi further as he was admitted to the Government Medical College and Hospital, Kozhikode on Thursday as he was diagnosed with jaundice.
Meanwhile, Leader of Opposition VD Satheesan has said that there was a big failure on the part of the Kerala Police in arresting the accused of the Kozhikode train fire case. The accused travelled in the same train but could not be apprehended, he said.
Satheesan said that if there had been effective police intervention or checks, the suspect could have been caught before he crossed Kerala.