Highlighting the efforts of the government towards the welfare of the underprivileged people, Union Home Minister Amit Shah on Tuesday said that in the last seven years of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) led government at the Centre 10 crore women have been provided toilets and four crore houses now have access to electricity.
Addressing the 28th National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) Foundation Day programme, Shah said, “In the last seven years, about 60 crore underprivileged people have been taken care of through government schemes, they felt assured that there’s somebody for them. 10 crore women have been provided with toilets, about four crore houses provided access to electricity.”
The Union Minister further said that two crore people have been provided with houses.
Shah said that the government led by the Prime Minister has ensured the protection of human rights of the 60 crore underprivileged population.