The Border Security Force (BSF), deployed in the Maoist-affected pockets of Odisha’s Malkangiri district since 2010, has set up its 6th company operating base (COB) at Tulasi Dongri Reserve Forest to counter leftwing extremism in the region.
Tulasi Dongri Reserve Forest, close to the Chhattisgarh border, has been a safe haven for a Maoist outfit since long taking advantage of its topography – remoteness and dense forest coverage, said BSF officials.
The tricolour was unfurled at the new COB with a large congregation of local residents, they said.
Since its deployment, BSF is operating actively in the area and is successfully countering the Maoists strategy for the safety and security of the public in the interior pockets and remote localities of Malkangiri.
The BSF has so far established six COBs encircling Tulasi Reserve Forest area and have been carrying out calibrated and effective strategies to curb the Naxal activities in the region, they added.
Increased combing operations by State police and BSF have led the armed cadres to leave the path of violence and join mainstream, the officials concluded.