The Border Security Force (BSF) has lodged a protest with the Pakistan Rangers over increased drone activity in the region during a sector commander-level meeting held on the international border in the Suchetgarh sector of the Jammu district.
The BSF delegation was led by Surjit Singh, DIG, BSF, while the Pakistan delegation was led by Brigadier Murad Hussain, Sector Commander, Pakistan Rangers, Sialkot Sector. This was the first sector commander-level meeting between the two border guarding forces after the declaration of ceasefire by the DGMOs of both nations earlier, this year.
During the meeting, commanders from both sides discussed various issues with the BSF highlighting the recent drone activities carried out in the region by Pakistan. “A very strong protest was lodged by the BSF delegates regarding the drone activities being carried out by the Pakistan authorities in the Jammu area,” a BSF official said.
Other issues included terrorist activities from across the border, digging of tunnels, and other matters related to border management, the BSF is learned to have said. “It was decided to re-energise instant communication between the field commanders, whenever required, to resolve the operational matters.”
“The meeting was held in a cordial, positive and constructive atmosphere in which both sides agreed for expeditious implementation of the decisions taken in the earlier DG level talks, besides committing to maintaining peace and harmony along the international border,” the BSF said.