BRS MLC Kalvakuntala Kavitha has said Bharath Jagruthi, the cultural arm of her party, will soon file an implead petition in the Supreme Court, seeking expeditious implementation of the Women’s Reservation Act, starting from 2024.
Kavitha, who heads Bharath Jagruthi, took to social media to announce the decision to take the legal route for speedy implementation of the Women’s Reservation Act.
An implead petition would allow her to join the case over the Women’s Reservation Act since she is not a party to it. The Act would pave the way for 33 per cent reservation for women in Parliament and state legislative assemblies after the census and delimitation exercise.
“We will shortly file an implead petition in the ongoing case in the Supreme Court,” said Kavitha in her post and announced that consultations with experts have already begun for an “urgent enforcement of the Women’s Reservation Act.”
The Supreme Court has hailed the Act which will bring gender parity during a hearing on a petition which argued for reservation of seats for women before the 2024 elections. The case has been listed on 22 November along with another similar petition.
Kavitha has come under fire after the BRS declared its candidate list for the upcoming Assembly elections. The BRS has given tickets to only eight women in this election despite being vocal about women reservation. The BJP too has been criticised for failing to set a timeline for the implementation of the Women’s Reservation Act.