Shortly after the central government announced a Rs 2.50 per litre cut on petrol and diesel prices, the Congress dared Prime Minister Narendra Modi to bring the fuel prices back to the 2014 level instead of throwing a “pittance of one or two rupees” at the public.
Addressing media persons here, Congress spokesman Randeep Singh Surjewala called the cut “a panic reaction in the face of public anger” ahead of assembly polls in four states.
Pointing out that the BJP-ruled states Maharashtra, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, and Rajasthan levy the highest value-added tax (VAT) on petroleum products, he demanded that fuel is brought under the GST, whose tax slabs are much lower than the VAT levied in states.
Surjewala said that an RTI reply has revealed that the Modi government was selling petrol and diesel to several countries at less than half the price at which it was being sold in India. This showed that this government “is fleecing its own people.”