A division bench of the Delhi High Court, comprising of Justice Vipin Sanghi and Justice Rekha Palli, on Monday while hearing a public interest litigation observed that a case is made out to call the army in Delhi to take over the management of oxygen supplies in order to save lives of thousands of people who are suffering from Covid-19.
The bench sought for a response from the centre to a request made by the Delhi government for calling in the army to manage the crisis. Chetan Sharma, Ld ASG has sought time till tomorrow to take instructions, as the matter is under active consideration of the Defence Minister.
The hearing has been deferred for tomorrow.
The observation was made on a plea made by Abhinav Vasisht, Sacchin Puri, and Jagdeep Singh Bakshi, senior advocates seeking a direction to the government for handing over of management of oxygen supplies in Delhi to the armed forces so that oxygen supply is seamless and uninterrupted.
The bench was hearing a petition titled as Manisha Gupta Vs. GNCTD & Ors.; WP C No. 5142 of 2021 filed by advocates Praveen K Sharma, Dhananjay Grover and Kamil Khan.