BPSC mains results 2019 declared at bpsc.bih.nic.in
Candidates who have passed the BPSC main examination need to get ready for oral test/interview round which is expected to be scheduled in the third week of this month.
BPSC recruitment 2019: The recruitment process is being conducted for Assistant posts and the last date to apply was December 15, 2018.
BPSC recruitment 2019: Bihar Public Service Commission has released the exam date for the Assistant (Preliminary) Competitive Examination on the official website. The examination will be conducted on March 17, 2019.
The recruitment process is being conducted for Assistant posts and the last date to apply was December 15, 2018.
The selection process will be done on the basis of preliminary and main examination.
The recruitment process is for 51 vacant Assistant posts, out of which 17 have reserved for women candidates.
According to the official notice, the examination will be conducted on March 17, 2019 and the candidates must note that the examination date could be changed and is tentative.
For more information, the candidates should check the official notice.
Admit Cards:
• The candidates must note that the admit cards will be released prior to the examination.
• The candidates will be able to download the admit cards once it is released from the official website.
For more information, the candidates should check the official website.