BJP’s Lucknow Mahanagar unit has made arrangements for a special screening of Vikrant Massey’s film ‘The Sabarmati Report’, based on the Godhra incident, for the party workers of six assembly segments of Lucknow city for free on November 21, 22, and 23.
City President Anand Dwivedi has arranged free tickets for workers to attend the screenings organised at Alambagh Bus Stand Gateway Mall.
Media in-charge Praveen Garg said here on Wednesday that on November 21, city President Anand Dwivedi will watch the film with party officials and workers from the Cantonment assembly segment during the 12 to 3 pm screening.
Following this, arrangements have been made for a free screening of the film for Sarojini Nagar assembly workers from 3 to 6 pm. Similarly, on November 22, East and Central assembly workers will watch the movie, and on November 23, workers from the North and West assembly segments will watch the film.
BJP City President Anand Dwivedi said this film is based on a true incident and reveals the truth about the Godhra incident. Unfortunately, it took more than 22 years for the truth to come out in this country. He added that the film portrays the truth of the Godhra incident very effectively.
“Therefore, I appeal to everyone to watch ‘The Sabarmati Report’ with their families to understand the reality of the Godhra massacre,” he said.