The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) emerged victorious in the Kedarnath assembly bypoll on Saturday, defeating the Congress for the second consecutive time. BJP candidate Asha Nautiyal secured the seat with a margin of 5,161 votes, garnering 23,814 votes, which accounted for 43.7 per cent of the total 54,441 votes cast on November 20.
Congress nominee Manoj Rawat, who had previously won the seat in 2017, managed only 18,192 votes (33.42 per cent). Independent candidate Tribhuvan Singh also played a significant role, securing 9,266 votes (17.1 per cent) and reportedly diverting a substantial portion of Congress’ voter base.
Reacting to the victory, Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami stated: “The people of Kedarnath have endorsed Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s vision and the development undertaken in the Kedar Valley under the BJP government. This result reflects the people’s appreciation for the reconstruction and infrastructural improvements in Kedarpuri and their rejection of the opposition’s negative politics.”
BJP State President Mahendra Bhatt echoed these sentiments, attributing the win to the Dhami government’s developmental initiatives and the tireless efforts of BJP workers.
This marks a significant loss for Congress’s Manoj Rawat, who has now been defeated in Kedarnath for the second consecutive time. He had earlier been bested by BJP’s Shaila Rani Rawat in 2022. The seat became vacant following her demise in August due to a prolonged illness.
The BJP’s win in Kedarnath reinforces its stronghold in Uttarakhand, signaling continued support for the party’s development agenda in the region.