Amidst the ongoing spat between Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath and Samajwadi Party president Akhilesh Yadav over bulldozers, Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP)supremo Mayawati has advised both not to do politics on this issue. She has also asked the Uttar Pradesh government to take necessary steps to stop wolf attacks.
In a post on social media on Thursday, Mayawati urged the BJP government and the Samajwadi Party to refrain from engaging in bulldozer politics, asserting that the matter should be left to the court, where people hope to receive justice.
The BSP supremo pointed out that in several districts of UP, wild animals are attacking children, the elderly, and youth. She called on the government to take immediate action, noting that labourers and the poor are unable to arrange fodder for their animals or pay wages due to fear. She also stressed the need for proper arrangements for them and for the government to devise a strategy to address the issue of wild animal attacks.
Meanwhile, Mayawati condemned as shameful the incident involving a private ambulance driver who attempted to molest and rape a patient’s wife while transporting him in Basti district. She urged the government to take strict action against the driver.