

BJP accuses Congress govt in Himachal of deceiving women of the state

This scheme, initially launched with the promise of providing financial aid to women, is now facing criticism for failing to meet its initial guarantees.

BJP accuses Congress govt in Himachal of deceiving women of the state

The BJP launched a attack on the Congress government in Himachal Pradesh accusing it of deceiving the women of the state in the name of its election promises made through the Indira Gandhi Pyari Behna Sukh Samman Nidhi Yojana.

This scheme, initially launched with the promise of providing financial aid to women, is now facing criticism for failing to meet its initial guarantees.

BJP Himachal media in-charge Karna Nanda blamed the Congress of repeatedly making promises during election campaigns and then failing to deliver the same.


“It has become a habit for the Congress party to promise the moon during elections and then backtrack once they are in power,” he said.

Nanda highlighted that the scheme, which aimed to support women between the ages of 18 and 60, has received applications from 788,784 women over the past 18 months.

However, only 28,249 women have actually received the funds so far, he said.

Additionally, 2,384 applications were rejected due to non-compliance with eligibility criteria, and there have been reports of previously disbursed funds being reclaimed.

“This scheme has become a source of frustration and disillusionment for women rather than a support mechanism,” Nanda alleged.

He emphasized that the revised benefits of the scheme are far from the sweeping promises made during the election campaign, leaving many women feeling deceived.

Opposition leaders have voiced similar concerns, accusing the Congress government of failing to honor its election commitments and misleading voters.

They argue that the revised structure of the scheme is a clear indication of the Congress’s failure to deliver on its promises, undermining trust and confidence among the beneficiaries.
