The Railway Ministry has planned to install Aadhar-based biometric attendance system in all its zones and divisions by January 31, 2018, an official said on Sunday.
The railway official said: “The Railway Board has come with a plan to put a check on the officials arriving late or not coming to work.
“The plan is to install Aadhar biometric attendance systaem across all the railway zones and divisions by January 31, 2018.”
The official added that a letter regarding the system’s installation was received by all the zones last week.
As per the order, the biometric attendance system would be first implemented in the offices of all divisions, zones, RDSO, Metro Rail Kolkata, railways workshop, factories and productions units by November 30.
While in the second phase, the system needs to be implemented in all the offices of Railways, including public undertakings, attached and subordinate offices by January 31, 2018.
Currently, the system is available in the railway board and few zonal headquarters.