As per the directive of the CM Nitish Kumar, Bihar’s chief secretary Amir Subhani is probing the matter related to Pathak’s “abusive” video in which he has made ‘vulgar’ remarks against the state bureaucracy. Bihar’s additional chief secretary (1990) KK Pathak’s video went viral in the social media on last Thursday.
Bihar Administrative Service Association (BASA) members are on warpath demanding immediate suspension of the IAS in question. In another development, the similar second “abusive” video of Pathak has surfaced here today in which he has used abusive words for state cadre bureaucrats of the cooperative department.
The deputy CM Tejashwi Prasad Yadav while talking to media he said, “I have seen the first video of Pathak which is not at all acceptable at any cost” and added that he is unware about the second video. The government will take necessary steps in this regard, he said.
This is not the first time Pathak has used such “vulgar” comments against state bureaucrats. In fact, last year on Oct 25th during an emergency meeting with registration department officials through zoom app link in which besides using cuss words he abused by calling Biharis as “nikkamma”, “dalla” etc .
Members of the Bihar State Registration Service Association had already submitted a memorandum to the governor as well as the CM deputy CM and all concerned on the next day October 26 last year.
The copy of the memorandum is in the possession of Statesman. The memorandum said the he had used “cuss” words for officials including female colleagues. The president of the association Ayaz Ahmad Khan and its secretary Manindra Natha Jha in a joint memorandum said, “officials have faced such mental torture on several occasions. In fact, he had issued notification not to close down the office on the occasion of Chhath festival ( Sungod) which is one of the major festivals of Bihar and Eastern India.
As a result of protest, Pathak who is holding the charge of registration department has cancelled the registration association on last December 26. He has already cancelled the registration of BASA on January 28 this year.
Talking to Statesman BASA general secretary Mukesh Kumar Tiwary said, “ we will continue our agitation against Pathak. We will observe day long fast on Sunday at our HQ.” The BASA wants suspension of the said officer and added that a delegation will soon meet the governor also.
“ We have decided to organise a series of agitational programme in days to come. Let us wait till the submission of the final report of the chief secretary”, Tiwary told Statesman on Saturday.