Bihar chief minister Nitish Kumar has reacted angrily to ‘forcible quarantine’ of an IPS official Binay Tiwari who was sent to Mumbai to probe actor Sushant Sing Rajput suicide case as the continuing tussle between Maharashtra and Bihar deepened further today.
The whole case has got a new twist after the actor’s father registered a case with the Patna police last week in connection with the incident even as the Mumbai police was already investigating the case.
“What happened with him (IPS official) is not right. He was only doing his duty. Our DGP will speak to the Maharashtra officials over the issue,” the chief minister told newsmen today. CM’s response came after Tiwari was put under 14-day quarantine by the Mumbai police shortly after he had landed there to investigate the case.
What was further humiliating, Tiwari’s hand was stamped with quarantine instruction and was also not provided accommodation in the IPS mess.
Bihar DGP Gupteshwar Pandey himself confirmed about such treatments meted to his officer in Mumbai. “IPS officer Binay Tiwari reached Mumbai today from Patna on official duty but he has been forcibly quarantined by BMC officials at 11 p.m. today. He was not provided accommodation in the IPS mess despite request and was staying in a guest house in Goregaw,” Pandey tweeted shortly past midnight on Sunday.
He added that Tiwari can’t move anywhere now while he had been rushed to investigate the Sushant case.
As such, the “turf tussle” between the police of two states began right since a team of Bihar police was rushed to Mumbai last week after a case had been registered with the Rajiv Nagar police station in Patna.
TV footages have shown the Bihar police team moving on auto-rickshaw as it was not provided an official vehicle by the Mumbai police. There are already reports of the Mumbai police not cooperating with the Bihar police team over providing important documents.
The tussle took a curious turn when the Malvani police in Mumbai expressed its inability to share the case file related to Disha Salian, Sushant’s ex-manager who committed suicide about a week before the actor ended his life.
According to reports, the Malvan police told the Bihar police team that the case file had been accidentally deleted from their laptop. And when the Bihar police team asked the Malvan police if they could help retrieve the file from the laptop, the latter reportedly shot back, “Why do you want the file?”
Meanwhile the actor suicide case figured prominently on the last day of the current Bihar assembly held outside the Bihar Assembly building due to the corona panic.
During the session held in a conference hall located near Patna Gandhi maidan, BJP legislator and Sushant’s cousin brother Neeraj Bablu sought for a CBI inquiry into the case.
He received the support from the opposition RJD which demanded that justice be delivered to the actor. The Congress party also supported the move.
Bablu’s wife Nutan Singh, a BJP MLC, also raised the issue in the legislative council. Raju Tiwari, an MLA of Ram Vilas Paswans LJP, and Awadhesh Kumar Singh of the Congress were among others who rose to speak in favor of a CBI inquiry.
Rajput’s sister gives him rakhi tribute: Actor Sushant Singh Rajput’s sister Shweta Singh Kirti on Monday remembered the late star on the occasion of Raksha Bandhan and said he will always remain special. Shweta took to Instagram and shared a collage of childhood photographs of Sushant, where the actor is seen surrounded by his four sisters as they tie him rakhi.