Hundreds of tribal people, led by Bharat Adivasi Party (BAP) MP Rajkumar Roat, protested on Saturday and submitted their blood samples in response to Rajasthan Education Minister Madan Dilawar’s controversial comments about tribals’ genealogy.
Dilawar’s controversial comments on June 21/22, suggesting that tribals undergo DNA tests to ascertain their fathers, created a stir across the entire tribal terrain of Banswara and Dungarpur districts.
“Madan had said that since the tribal community does not consider itself Hindu, they should get their DNA tests done,” the BAP MP told reporters at Ambedkar Circle, where police stopped them from moving towards the Minister’s bungalow.
Roat and his supporters tried to lay siege around Minister Dilawar’s residence on Saturday, but the police stopped them at Ambedkar Circle. The MP and his supporters then handed over their blood samples to the police on the road. Additionally, the MP issued an ultimatum, stating that if Dilawar did not apologise within seven days, they would surround the assembly.
Roat said that this matter would not be buried here. “If Madan Dilawar does not apologise within seven days, we will surround the assembly. This matter will also be raised in the assembly. I will also raise this issue in front of Modi ji in Parliament. If Minister Dilawar does not take the sample, then PM Narendra Modi will be given the blood sample for a DNA test in Parliament,” he added.
Dilawar made his comment in response to Roat’s statement to the media in which, he (Roat) refused to be identified as a Hindu, citing his tribal antecedents. Roat belongs to the tribal community and follows a faith different from any organised religion, including Hinduism.
Commenting on X, Dilawar stated: “We will not tolerate anyone who attempts to divide the nation and society. We can determine from his ancestors whether he is a Hindu or not; we have people who record genealogies, who could verify… they should undergo a DNA test to confirm their lineage.”