

Bangladesh Navy officers, cadets visit Indian Naval Academy

A five member delegation of officers and cadets of the Bangladesh Naval Academy paid a four day visit to the…

Bangladesh Navy officers, cadets visit Indian Naval Academy

(Photo: AFP)

A five member delegation of officers and cadets of the Bangladesh Naval Academy paid a four day visit to the Indian Naval Academy at Ezhimala in nearby Ezhimala in Kannur district.

They were led by Lieutenant Commander Mirza Rashadul and Lieutenant M Merazul Islam Saimon.


The aim of the visit of the delegation, comprisingthree midshipmen and two officer cadets, was to build bridges of friendship between the two navies and exchange best practices, an INA release said.


The BNA cadets wereacquainted with training at INA during their visit, which also gave INA staff an opportunity to learn and understand the training processes and philosophy that the Bangladesh Naval Academy follows, the release said.

The delegation, which commenced their visit on July 26, were given opportunities tounderstand the functionality of INA and also visited placesof historical and cultural interest in and around the academy.

The delegation whose visit ended officially today, would depart from the INA onJuly 31, the releasesaid.
