The portals of the Badrinath shrine in Chamoli district were thrown open to pilgrims on Monday. A large gathering witnessed the opening ceremony. With the opening of Badrinath, the Char Dham Yatra has now become fully operational. Badrinath was the last of the four Hindu shrines of the Char Dham circuit to reopen after a six-month winter break.
The Kedarnath temple reopened on Sunday and over 20,000 pilgrims attended the opening ceremony. Even in Badrinath, about 20,000 devotees were present to take part in the portal opening ceremony.
Amidst chanting of Vedic Mantras, the Badrinath temple was reopened at 4.30 a.m. An Army band added to the festivities and village women presented a group dance to woo tourists. The hotels and lodges in Badrinath are packed these days with heavy inflow of visitors.
The state government is claiming to provide comprehensive medical facilities on the Char Dham Yatra route. Proper arrangement of medical relief posts, medical units, ambulances, blood bank and trauma centre have been put in place to facilitate devotees.
In Badrinath a ‘ hyperbaric oxygen chamber ‘ has been installed for q uick diagnosis of heart related problems among pilgrims in high altitude areas and a similar service will be introduced at Kedarnath, Gangotri and Yamunotri soon. The Uttarakhand government has instructed the health department to comply with standard treatment protocol for cardiovascular treatment.
Secretary Health Nitesh Jha said, “Medical officers/ pharmacists and other paramedical staff have been deployed on the Yatra route. Medicines for diabetes and hypertension for tourists has been arranged on the pilgrimage route. ‘Six Sigma health care’ centres from Delhi will provide specialised health services till June 21 on the pilgrimage routes.”
The helpline number-104 has also been strengthened to facilitate devotees visiting Char Dham through which all health-related information will be given and complaints and suggestions will also be sought.