The portals of famous Hindu temple Badrinath, in district Chamoli, were closed for six-month winter break on Thursday. With this the annual ‘Char Dham’ pilgrimage season of Uttarakhand has concluded.
Badrinath, Kedarnath, Gangotri and Yamunotri forms the ‘Char Dhams.’ Gangotri temple had closed for winter break earlier this month on 15 November, which was followed by the closing of Kedarnath and Yamunotri on 16 November. Badrinath was last of the four shrines to close for winters.
Over five thousand devotees participated in the closing ceremony of Badrinath temple on Thursday. This year the tourism industry was hit hard by the Covid-19 pandemic. The arrival of tourists increased during Dussehra. Badrinath attracted over 1.45 Lakh pilgrims, 1.34 Lakh devotees came to Kedarnath, 23,837 visited Gangotri and 7,731 other came to Yamunotri this year.
Photo: Badrinath temple in district Chamoli on Thursday.