The government of Jammu and Kashmir has mandated the attendance of its employees at Republic-Day functions on January 26 as an integral aspect of their official responsibilities in the Union territory.
The main event for Republic day 2024 is scheduled at Maulana Azad Stadium, Jammu, with the Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha presiding over and taking the salute.
The commissioner-secretary of the general administration department, Sanjeev Verma, has ordered all government officers and officials, along with those from Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs), to participate in the function as part of their official duties.
Heads of departments and chief executives of PSUs are instructed to ensure their own presence and that of their subordinates at the function, he ordered.
Top officers of the Kashmir division and deputy commissioners of the respective districts across J&K are also overseeing arrangements for Republic-Day function in their jurisdictions.