As the Bharatiya Janata Party’s victory painted the Hindi heartland saffron on Sunday, sweeping on the counting day all four states that held assembly polls in November, foreign media outlets interpreted these results as a precursor to the voter sentiment preceding the 2024 Lok Sabha elections, where Prime Minister Narendra Modi aims for a third consecutive term.
Various US newspapers viewed the BJP’s resounding victories in Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, and Rajasthan as an expansion of its dominance in a crucial region before the upcoming general elections.
Highlighting the diminishing prospects of the main opposition party, the Indian National Congress, the NYT emphasized the BJP’s significant advantage leading up to 2024.
Across the world, media outlets pointed to Modi’s plans for further consolidating his support base, referencing the upcoming inauguration of a monumental Hindu temple in Ayodhya in January.
Newspapers in UK too described it as a Modi victory. Modi’s image as a proponent of development and Hindu interests has garnered significant traction across the nation. His government’s targeted welfare schemes, often associated with his persona, have bolstered his appeal. Even in states where local BJP leaders faced challenges, Modi’s face dominated posters, and voter incentives were branded as ‘Modi’s guarantee.’
Bloomberg observed that while the assembly polls don’t mirror the dynamics of the 2024 general elections, the comprehensive losses suffered by the opposition will likely boost the ruling party and Modi.
The Congress party, under Rahul Gandhi, attempted to spotlight issues like unemployment and caste discrimination, hoping for national resonance in the months to come.
Pakistan newspapers also highlighted Modi’s enduring popularity after a decade in office, indicating surveys that suggest his potential victory once again next year. However, a 28-party opposition alliance led by the Congress (INDIA) presents a renewed challenge, although its absence in the state polls—due to internal disputes—resulted in a direct face-off between the BJP and the Congress.
Newspapers in the Middle-East too wrote that Modi has bolstered BJP to a different level, also emphasizing another setback for Rahul Gandhi and the Congress party.
Other political experts mentioned limited evidence of a direct link between state and national results. However, the weakened state of the Congress at a crucial juncture is evident, especially considering its historical dominance in Indian politics until Modi’s ascent in 2014.