The ashes of Sahara Group chairman Subrata Roy Sahara were immersed in the Ganga with Hindu rituals at Chaudhary Charan Singh VIP Ghat in Haridwar on Wednesday. The ‘Ashthi visarjan’ was performed by his younger brother Joy Broto Roy in the presence of other family members.
Earlier on November 21, the ‘Ashthi Visarjan’ of Subrata Roy was also performed at Sangam in Prayagraj and Varanasi.
The Sahara Group founder died on November 14 following a cardiorespiratory arrest. He was 75.
Roy was admitted to Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital & Medical Research Institute (KDAH) on 12 November, 2023.
According to a statement from the Sahara India Pariwar, Roy was suffering from metastatic malignancy, hypertension, and diabetes.
Born on June 10, 1948 in Bihar’ Araria, Subrata Roy went on to build a mega empire in multiple sectors, including finance, real estate, media, and hospitality