Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal’s son Pulkit Kejriwal came through with flying colours in the CBSE Class 12 examination results which were released on Thursday afternoon. Pulkit secured 96.4 per cent in the exams.
Delhi CM’s wife and Pulkit’s mother, Sunita Kejriwal, took to Twitter expressing her joy at the success of her son. “With God’s grace and well-wishers’ blessings, son has secured 96.4 percentile in CBSE Class XII. In high gratitude,” she tweeted.
Several Delhi ministers, including Deputy CM Manish Sisodia, congratulated Sunita Kejriwal on Twitter.
A government official told PTI that Pulkit studied at a private school in Noida.
The agency reports that in 2014, the Chief Minister’s daughter, Harshita, had also secured 96 per cent in her Class 12 CBSE exam. After that, she had cleared IIT Joint Entrance Examination (JEE).
Meanwhile, sources told that the CBSE Class 10 results will be out in the first week of May this year.
“Things have become automated and, therefore, the results are getting declared quickly. Even last year, the results came out in the third week of May,” sources said.