A team from Andhra Pradesh, comprising three IAS officers, headed by Industry Minister G Amarnath reached the accident spot at Balasore in Odisha. The team will provide assistance, particularly to the ill-fated passengers from the state, as directed by state Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy.
Jagan Mohan Reddy, on Saturday, chaired a high-level review meeting on the Odisha train accident and instructed officers to alert all the hospitals around Odisha’s borders, including those in Visakhapatnam to be prepared to offer immediate medical care to those who have been injured.
He also directed the officials to keep ambulances ready in Srikakulam, Vizianagaram, Visakhapatnam, and other districts, close to the borders of Odisha, in case of any emergency. Reddy ordered setting up of an inquiry cell and help desk at the collectorate offices in all districts to help family members of the passengers traveling in the ill fated trains.
The IAS officers who travelled to the accident site are the commissioner of civil supplies Arun Kumar, Joint Commissioner of Commercial taxes Anand and Joint Collector of Srikakulam M Naveen. They will extend help to the relief and rescue operations, particularly for the passengers from AP. The officials informed that they were in touch with their counterparts in Odisha.