Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday interacted with BJP workers in Tamil Nadu via NaMo app and said “All political analysts are saying that BJP is going to turn the tables in Tamil Nadu. Public anger against the ruling party (DMK) in Tamil Nadu will be vented out during the election.”
He told the party workers that “governance in Tamil Nadu has been in bad shape since the DMK government and its allies came to power in Tamil Nadu. Corruption, law and order, and drugs are given by them only. All such issues need to be communicated to every family in the booth.”
The Prime Minister said “Drugs will ruin the lives of our children and our families. All the drug caches that have been seized in the past days, somewhere in its godfather is linked to Tamil Nadu, this is a matter of great concern and hence all of you must also inform people that we have to save our families, our children, and our future generations. BJP is enough to fight against the drugs that are entering Tamil Nadu and the drug mafias.”
Mr Modi said “political parties like the DMK fear the welfare schemes of the Modi government, and hence they do not let benefits of these schemes reach the people.”
Parties like the DMK “paste the stickers of their schemes on all the schemes of the Modi government. Therefore, it becomes the duty of all the Karyakartas of the BJP to make the people aware of the schemes and their benefits. This, in turn, will instill confidence in the people of Tamil Nadu,” he said.
He said “As you are aware that BJP is working on a model of women-led development. Our commitment is to make India the third largest economy in the world and women will play a crucial role in it. I’m happy that women Karyakartas of the BJP are working hard.”
He said he decided to talk to the party workers “As the election campaign (for Lok Sabha) is moving forward, the candidates have been decided and the issues are clear.”
“When I last visited Tamil Nadu for public events, I got the blessings of the people and it made me very happy. I could see the hard work of Karyakartas, and I felt proud to have such Karyakartas,” he said.
The Prime Minister said “Although whenever I come to Tamil Nadu, I start my talk with Vanakkam, but today’s Vanakkam is very special for me, because when one worker greets another worker with Vanakkam, then there is a sense of belonging among the workers…No matter how big a person is.”
Interacting with the party workers, Mr Modi said “the workers of BJP Tamil Nadu are doing really good work for a very long time. Enathu Booth, Valimaiyana Booth means my booth is the strongest. This programme will connect all BJP workers and help us learn from each other.”