On a day when people of Uttar Pradesh voted for the sixth phase of assembly polls, Union Home and Co-operation minister Amit Shah addressing two separate rallies in Mohammedabad Gohna in Mou and Lalganj in Ajamgarh, claimed that led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, BJP government in the State led by Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath was fighting for a 300 plus mark in the State assembly.
Amit Shah took the opportunity to showcase the achievements of the Yogi government on the development and law and order fronts. He also slammed the previous Samajwadi Party (SP) government of former chief minister Akhilesh Yadav for shielding criminals and letting terrorists use the state to launch terror strikes.
Shah said that after five rounds of polling in UP, Akhilesh Yadav could see the writings on the wall. He said people of the state had already cast their ballots and decided in favour of a ‘historic victory’ for BJP in the assembly elections. He said on the other hand, SP, BSP and Congress were set to suffer a humiliating defeat in these elections.
“People of UP have made up their mind that they don’t want a SP government known to give patronage to mafias but one led by Yogi Adityanath known to deal mafias with an iron hand and eliminate them from the State,” the Home Minister said.
Further, targeting the Samajwadi Party, Amit Shah said it was driven by its sole motive of serving one family’s interests and the interest of a particular caste and a religion. He asked with peoples’ interest being the last thing in SP’s mind, how the party can be expected to work for the development of the state.