Union Home Minister Amit Shah held a mega road-show in Tamil Nadu’s Kanniyakumari on Saturday and asked people to “help us make Bharat the world’s third largest economy; make Mr Narendra Modi Prime Minister for the third time.”
The road-show saw a sea of people and party workers walking along the open-roofed vehicle of Mr Shah. The Home Minister greeted people standing on both sides of road carrying saffron flags with lotus pictures. Mr Shah showered rose petals on people.
Commencing from the Mettukadai junction the road show ended at Old Bus Stand, covering around one kilometer. Mr Shah’s vehicle moved slowly as the entire route had people all around.
The Home Minister urged people to make PM Modi Prime Minister for the third time and said, “I urge all of you to make Modi Ji the Prime Minister of India for the third time.”
He said: “PM Modi Ji has made Bharat secure and prosperous more than ever before. Press the ‘Lotus’ button and make us achieve ‘400 Paar’, this time!” He slammed the ruling DMK for allegedly insulting Sanatan Dharma and for indulging in corruption.
“The DMK party has hurt the sentiments of people by making insulting remarks on Sanatan Dharma. On the other side, the BJP respects everyone and believes in unity,” Mr Shah said.
“The rampant corruption by DMK and AIADMK has ruined economic conditions in Tamil Nadu. I urge all of you to save Tamil Nadu from these corrupt parties, and choose the Bharatiya Janata Party for bringing unprecedented transformation in the State,” he added.
“PM Modi Ji has been working tirelessly to preserve and promote Tamil culture, Tamil language and Tamil glory. Let’s support the BJP to make Tamil Nadu embrace development and prosperity,” the Home Minister said.
The BJP candidate from Kanniyakumari Lok Sabha seat is former Union Minister Pon Radhakrishnan. The Congress has fielded sitting MP Vijay Vasanth from the seat, while AIADMK has given ticket to Nazerath Pasilian.
On Friday, the Home Minister held a road-show in Madurai in the State. The BJP candidate in the constituency is Raama Srinivasan.