BJP chief Amit Shah would be attending the ground breaking ceremony later this month for a grand temple in honour of Prime Minister Narendra Modi that would have a 100-feet statue of him, retired irrigation department engineer J.P. Singh, the brain behind the move, said on Friday.
The ground breaking ceremony would be held on October 23 in Sardhana.
The temple, spread over five acres, is likely to cost Rs 30 crore, Singh said.
Identifying himself as a “long standing fan of Prime Minister Modi”, Singh said that he has been an admirer of the style of functioning of the BJP leader and that he had given the land for the temple from his private foundation. He also urged people who like Modi to “openly contribute” with funds for the temple.
Singh explained that he had nurtured his dream of building the temple for a long time but could not execute it since he was in a government job.
A Modi temple exists in Rajkot, on 350 sq feet, built by a group called Om Yuva group. A statue of Modi costing Rs 1.7 lakh has been installed in that temple.
Prime Minister Modi had strongly disapproved of the idea of a temple in his name and had then called it against the tenets of Indian culture.