Karnataka has come up with a new idea to check on those under home quarantine. State Medical Education Minister K Sudhakar on Monday, said that all those in the state under home quarantine will have to send their selfie every hour to the government on a mobile application.
If the people will violate the selfie rule (except between 10 pm to 7 am) then they will be sent at government-run mass quarantine facilities.
Meanwhile, the app is available on Google’s Playstore, one can download it from there.
“All persons under home quarantine shall send their selfies to the government on a mobile application every hour. Failing to do so, teams will reach such defaulters and they will be liable to be shifted to quarantine centres made by the government,” K Sudhakar told reporters.
The selfie at the app will be facilitated by GPS coordinates so that the government can trace the location of the sender, the BJP leader said in a release.
If people will send wrong photos then also action will be taken, according to the Minister.
Earlier, 10 people placed under home quarantine in Bengaluru, escaped and were later found at their hometowns.
“A case has been registered against them,” said BH Anil Kumar, commissioner Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike (BBMP).
In Karnataka, around 43,000 people since the start of the outbreak have been kept under watch for Coronavirus, out of which about 30,000 of them have completed their 14-day mandatory home quarantine. About 142 have been shifted from home quarantine to state-run mass quarantine facility, according to NDTV.
State Chief Minister B S Yediyurappa on Monday, urged the people to follow the 21-day nationwide lockdown and maintain social distancing. He said that lockdown’s ending will depend on how strictly people follow it.
According to the Karnataka Health Department, the state saw five new positive cases of coronavirus on Monday, taking the total number of the confirmed cases to 88, including three fatalities and six discharges.