Tamil Nadu Chief Minister K Palaniswamy and his predecessor O Panneerselvam on Monday joined hands at the AIADMK headquarters here, after the factions had split following the death of J Jayalalithaa. As per sources, Panneerselvam has been offered the post of deputy CM as part of the unification deal.
Sources said, the party leaders were unanimous on sacking jailed party chief VK Sasikala.
The announcement was made minutes after the duo arrived at the party headquarters at around 3 pm. Hectic parleys preceded their arrival, to sort out the last-minute differences that were delaying the merger.
Two senior ministers and a senior MP who are supporters of the Chief Minister went to Panneerselvam’s residence on Monday with a draft of the deal worked out between the two sides.
Panneerselvam was received enthusiastically at the party headquarters by AIADMK cadres who presented him stoles and bouquets. It was his first visit to the office after six months.
Hundreds celebrated the occasion by bursting firecrackers.
Panneerselvam was accompanied by his faction leaders including K.P. Munuswamy and K. Pandiarajan.
Before his arrival, Chief Minister Palaniswamy held discussions with his colleagues including ministers K.A. Sengottaiyan and D. Jayakumar.
Panneerselvam has demanded the expulsion of the now jailed Jayalalithaa aide V.K. Sasikala.
Governor Ch. Vidyasagar Rao arrived here on Monday afternoon for a possible swearing in ceremony in which Panneerselvam and some of his faction leaders may be sworn in as ministers.
Panneerselvam, who was thrice Chief Minister, may get the Deputy Chief Minister’s post.
Meanwhile, the faction headed by T.T.V. Dinakaran, Sasikala’s nephew, has warned against his own and Sasikala’s sacking as Deputy General Secretary and General Secretary of the AIADMK. Dinakaran is said to enjoy the support of a dozen MLAs.
Meanwhile, Panneerselvam has taken oath as deputy CM in the evening.
(With inputs from agencies)