In response to Kerala Assembly Speaker A N Shamseer’s controversial remark against Lord Ganesha, Malayalam actor Salim Kumar has sarcastically suggested him to call the minister of Devaswom as the “minister of mythism” and the ‘Vazhipad’ (offering of money received from the devotees) to be called “Mithumani”.
Taking to Facebook, Salim Kumar, who is known for his comedy roles in Malayalam films, said, “Changes should start from the administrative centres itself. When there is a conflict between myth and reality, for the success of reality, the minister of Devaswom should be called the minister of mythism and the money received from the devotees should be called as “Mithumoney”.
The actor also shared a picture of Devaswom Minister K Radhakrishnan alongside the Facebook post.
Shamseer has been accused of insulting Hindu deity, Lord Ganesha, during the inauguration of a Vidyajyothi programme held at a school at Kunnathunadu in the Ernakulam district some days back.
During his speech at the event, Shamseer allegedly accused the Centre of trying to teach children Hindu myths instead of accomplishments in science and technology. He termed Hindu god ‘Ganesha’ and ‘Pushpaka vimana’ myths which lack scientific facts.
The Speaker said the Hindutva ideologues propagate that it was through plastic surgery that Lord Ganesh got his face and dismissed it as a myth.“They are promoting such myths in place of science,” said the Speaker.Shamseer also said that such concepts should be rejected as myths in the age of artificial intelligence.
Superstitions of the Hindutva era will hold back progress,and these are mere myths in the era of artificial intelligence, he added