Delhi BJP President Virendra Sachdeva on Saturday took a dig at Aam Aadmi Party Rajya Sabha MP Sanjay Singh, claiming that the AAP leader’s statement on party convener Arvind Kejriwal’s jail, bail and health is nothing but a repeat of rhetoric.
Sachdeva has alleged that every time the AAP leaders see any hope of bail for their party chief Kejriwal, they start their old rhetoric alleging that the saffron party wants to keep Delhi CM behind the bars, and that his health is steadily deteriorating with weight loss, and possibility of a serious illness.
“Sanjay Singh should recall every time Kejriwal gets bail, he never goes in for any treatment instead his political diatribes increase to new heights,” alleged Sachdeva, the Delhi BJP chief.
The BJP leader further said that Singh should note that people of Delhi have no trust left in Kejriwal and his party, claiming that they have clearly shown this by rejecting AAP in recent Lok Sabha elections, despite AAP’s “Jail Ka Jawab Vote Se,” Sachdeva added.
Sachdeva, taking a dig at the AAP chief said that despite his repeated request to the electorate, seeking their vote, to see him as a free man, the people of Delhi, Gujarat, Haryana and Punjab totally rejected the AAP chief’s call.
On Friday, Sachdeva had said that Kejriwal must resign from the post of CM if he had some morality left.
The saffron party’s state unit chief had said that, ‘Kejriwal’s interim bail order regarding ED’s case clearly states that the Delhi CM has been asked not go to the secretariat, sign any files, or fulfill any duties as the Chief Minister, and added that following the court’s order, if the Delhi CM has any morality left, he should consider whether to remain on the position, Sachdeva added.