AAP national convener Arvind Kejriwal, while addressing the residents of East Delhi’s Vishwas Nagar asembly constituency, here on Thursday urged the voters to choose progress and development by supporting his party’s government in the upcoming elections.
He claimed that AAP, this time will come back to power with a larger majority than the last election, and warned the public alleging that BJP’s agenda is to curtail free services that his party’s dispensation is providing.
Former Delhi CM alleged that there was disparity in development between Vishwas Nagar and other parts of Delhi, pointing out the lack of progress in the constituency which was under BJP’s leadership.
Claiming there is a stark contrast between governance under the AAP and the BJP’s representation in the constituency, Kejriwal passionately called for a shift towards a more productive representation by electing his party’s candidate Deepak Singla. The AAP chief also conducted a padyatra in the area, drawing a large number of supporters who walked alongside him throughout the constituency.
He recalled the electoral history of the city and stated that in 2015 elections, AAP won 67 seats, while Congress could not get even a single seat, while BJP managed just 3, one of which was Vishwas Nagar. He further said that in 2020 assembly polls, AAP secured 62 seats, BJP got 8, and again, one of those was Vishwas Nagar.
Talking about welfare schemes, he remarked, senior citizens across Delhi are going on free pilgrimage trips, while alleging that no one from Vishwas Nagar was sent on such trips No, attributing it to the alleged inefficiency of the MLA.