Aam Aadmi Party national convener Arvind Kejriwal on Saturday while addressing a public meeting in Balu village of Haryana’s Kalayat Assembly constituency reiterated that is his party forms government in the state, it will ensure free and 24 hour electricity, excellent schools, hospitals, and employment for youth.
Kejriwal said, “Your children will not need to go abroad. Every village of Kalayat has problems of drinking water and drainage, unemployment, the place where the sewerage plant was to be set up in Rajound was not set up, a college for women was to be opened, but it was not opened,” he added.
Pitching for AAP candidate Anurag Dhanda, AAP chief said that he has left his job and entered politics to serve the people, and urged people to give him a chance, so he can solve the issues facd by the people of Kalayat.
He said if things are not resolved, he will not come to ask for votes for him next time.
Kejriwal further said, “I was born in Siwani village of Bhiwani. I studied in Hisar. After coming out of Haryana and Hisar, this son of yours has made Haryana famous all over the world. I never let Haryana’s head bow down. The people of Haryana should give their son a chance to serve once. Your son formed the government in Delhi and Punjab,” he added.
He claimed that he has done such works in Delhi, which no leader or party has done in the entire country.
He further claimed that there are only two states in the whole country, Delhi and Punjab, where 24×7 and free electricity is available.
“In Haryana too, only Arvind Kejriwal can make electricity bills zero,” the AAP chief claimed.
He alleged that government schools in Haryana are in a dilapidated condition, and claimed that no one wants to send their children to government schools, but they do so out of compulsion, he added.
Kejriwal claimed that at present, even rich people in Delhi are educating their children in government schools.
Kejriwal further said, “Today, I am leaving with five guarantees to the people of Haryana. This is Arvind Kejriwal’s guarantee, it is not a fake guarantee. First guarantee, I will make electricity free and 24×7, will waive off the outstanding bills. Second guarantee, I will build great hospitals and Mohalla Clinics. Third guarantee, will build great schools. Fourth guarantee, will give honorarium of Rs 1,000 per month to every woman above 18 years and fifth guarantee, I have arranged employment for 12 lakh youth in Delhi, I know how to give jobs. I will arrange jobs for your children. In Punjab, I have given 45,000 government jobs and have arranged for 3.5 lakh private jobs,” he added.